A Healthy Self-Esteem

“Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people,

don’t base your self-esteem on their opinions” Harvey Mackay


You may look at yourself and find those things that you wish you could change. Often times you may spend significant time assessing and judging your flaws and shortcomings. Having healthy self-esteem is just as important as those daily healthy regimens of going to the gym and eating healthy meals. You can lose weight and obtain the physicality that you desire but if you don’t feel good about who you are and what you are becoming then those healthy regimens are in vain. Having healthy self-esteem is having a positive self-image. You have to see that you are marvelously made with amazing potential. You must learn to view yourself as a person that is loved by your Creator. Self-esteem can’t be based upon how you look, who likes you and what others may think about you. You must have the courage and boldness to look yourself in the mirror and look deep inside past your hurt and pain and find the true you. The “true” you must rise and know you have unique qualities that are only special and tailored just for you. I challenge you to stop looking from outside to find your true happiness and self-worth but look inside your soul and spirit and love and accept who you are.  Accept all of you regardless of what you believe may be your flaws or shortcomings. You must know that your true worth is far greater than what’s on the surface or what you don’t think is of value. In closing I ask that you look deep inside and always know you are of great value.