“Mental Fitness”


“Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness”

LeBron James


“Your mental and physical health are inseparable. You cannot work to strengthen one without having a positive effect on the other.

Napoleon Hill  


Mental fitness is very important to your overall health if not more important than your physical health. You must not neglect your mental fitness. Your ability to keep your brain sharp and your ability to focus becomes increasingly valuable as you age. You have to ensure that you are taking care of your mental fitness much sooner than you think. There are brain exercises that you can do to keep you mentally fit according to Very Well Mind, https://www.verywellmind.com/brain-exercises-to-strengthen-your-mind-2795039

 7 Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind

1.       Take care of your body to take care of your mind

2.       Draw a Map of Your Town from Memory

3.       Learn Something New

4.       Try Using Your Non-Dominant Hand

5.       Socialize

6.       Meditate

7.       What About All Those Brain Training Games?


Stress can negatively impact your brain. Focusing on decreasing and managing your stress is imperative. When you’re de-stress you are supporting your mental fitness as well. According to Very Well Mind there are five things that stress does to your brain https://www.verywellmind.com/surprising-ways-that-stress-affects-your-brain-2795040


5 Surprising Ways That Stress Affects Your Brain


1.       Chronic Stress Increases Mental Illness

2.       Stress Changes the Brain's Structure

3.       Stress Kills Brain Cells

4.       Stress Shrinks the Brain

5.       Stress Hurts Your Memory


“If you're living with high levels of stress, you're putting your entire well-being at risk. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.” (helpguide.org) Therefore, strengthening your mind and managing your stress is a crucial when it comes to healthy living.