“Focus…eliminate Distractions”

“Focus comes from eliminating distractions” Anonymous


“Starve your distractions, feed your focus” Anonymous


“You can’t do big things if you’re distracted by small things” Anonymous


Have you wondered why you have not achieved your goals or fulfilled your purpose. Could it be that you seem to get easily distracted by multiple things? Your ability to get laser focused on a goal will lead you to achieving that goal.

Too often people have multiple priorities they are trying to achieve all at the same time. If you can learn the power of focusing on one or two things at a time you will see the fruit of your labor. When you are trying to achieve three to four goals simultaneously then you are splitting up your time and your progress will be laborious. Learn to set a goal (or two) and put your entire effort, time and energy behind it. Then you must possess patience for you to see any signs of results.

I know you have a lot of things you would like to accomplish, so write them all down and determine what you are going to focus on for the next year or two. More importantly, make decisions that align with that goal. Do not become impatient or weary at the slow return on your invested time. It’s more valuable to achieve greatness in one or two things as opposed to mediocre in several things.

You must master the skill that you have and, in order to do so, you must focus and eliminate trying to keep up with the “Joneses” and competing with others. You must become skilled in your craft and that takes time, investing in continuous education, and endurance. Distractions serve as a thief of your ability and opportunities to master your gift and talents.

Distractions comes in many forms, it can be people, good works and even opportunities that come your way. What’s essential is to pray seeking God’s guidance on what you must focus on now that will lead you to your destiny.