"The Power of Giving"

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more,

but those giving more.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr.


“The Power of giving, is greater than the joy of receiving.”

Norbert Harms


The power of giving is one of life’s most transformative acts. When you possess a heart to give to others with the pure and genuine intent of supporting and aiding those in need, you will experience immeasurable joy. To give is to receive! According to the article by Darkness to Light “The power of giving comes out of giving from your heart—not because you have a lot of money or time to give but because the cause is simply important to you. When you spend your time or treasure on giving to a worthy cause you receive so much more in return.”

First, you must give out of a heart of compassion and kindness as opposed to giving to be seen or expecting something in return. Giving is a way of lifting your spirit as you give. Second, giving is a way of bonding and connecting with others. You give to support the greater good of a cause. You become a part of something greater than yourself. Thirdly, giving can serve as a healing ointment. For example, if you’re recently divorced or just ended a long-term relationship, find a way to give to someone by volunteering at your local church, ministry or community/civic organization. Spend time at a local food bank by spending a couple of hours serving meals or stocking shelves. The point is that you’ll spend a couple of hours helping someone else and as you are giving, you’ll find a sense of healing and fulfilling.

You don’t have to give out of your hurt but give for the sake of giving to see that others may experience some relief in their situation. According to Associate Professor Patrick Stokes, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, “being generous – everything from giving someone directions to helping a friend move house – activates the part of the brain that makes you feel pleasure. Plus, it releases a hormone called oxytocin that helps mediate social interactions and emotion – the higher your oxytocin levels, the more you're likely to give.”

As a giver you are willing to give your time to help others whether it is giving someone a ride to work, to church or to the grocery store. Helping someone move into their new home or simply helping to babysit for parents to enjoy a date night. Giving is serving and helping without expecting anything in return. Givers are usually unselfish with a tendency and proclivity to give first and receive an inner joy from giving. “You can actually get some benefit from doing something for someone else – it gives you a sense of purpose and wellbeing,” said Associate Professor Patrick Stokes, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University.