“Don’t Give Up”

“If you give up on your dreams, what’s left”

Jim Carrey


“Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.”




Do you recall when you were a high school senior writing out your dreams and aspirations? Yet, as you’ve lived, some of those dreams have been lost in the shallow of disappointments, grief, bad decisions, mishaps and misdirection’s. Now at this age you think to yourself why bother with a dream that has been hijacked by life’s twists and turns. Man’s Search of Meaning by Viktor Frankl “describes his lessons learned as a holocaust survivor, and how his experiences shaped his understanding of meaning.”

Man's Search for Meaning is an exploration of how one may find meaning in the most unusual places, even in the horrendous environment that was characteristic of Nazi-Germany concentration camps. He believed that humans were not simply the product of heredity and environment and that they had the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their own lives.” Viktor Frankl

The book provides readers with insight on how Viktor never gave up on life and his dreams despite being in a concentration camp for three years. His hope for a future was clouded as he witnessed many lives lost, including his family, during the most horrific times of his life -- but he never gave up. Former South African president and civil rights advocate Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for equality—and ultimately helped topple South Africa's racist system of apartheid. Nelson Mandela was arrested on several occasions and stood trial four times. Ultimately, Mandela spent more than 27 years in prison. Being in prison over 27 years had to be demoralizing and difficult, but Mandela never gave up on his dream of ending apartheid. Mandela once stated: “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

In examining the life of Viktor Frankl and Nelson Mandela it is clear that both had a strong human will not to give up. Furthermore, what can be learned from these men is that the decision to give up or persevere lies within your power. No one takes the power of choice from you. Secondly, if you fall down, you can get back up. No matter what you’ve faced or will face don’t give up on your dream. You must decide to stay in the fight until your dream comes to fruition. Giving up is not an option!


 “Action will destroy your procrastination.”   

Og Mandino


“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried”

Author Unknown


 “Procrastination is the thief of time”

Charles Dickens


I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t procrastinated or put something off. Procrastination has been an Achilles heel for many. Very successful people tend to procrastinate from time to time. Many have considered procrastination as being lazy, but, according to an article in the New York Times by Charlotte Lieberman, “procrastination isn’t about self-control but it’s about negative emotions that takes precedence at the time of you putting off what you know is best for you to do at that current time.“

The article by Charlotte Lieberman states:

“Procrastination isn’t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks — boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond.” “Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem,” said Dr. Tim Pychyl, professor of psychology and member of the Procrastination Research Group at Carleton University in Ottawa.

As you embark upon the idea of completing a task or doing what’s best at the current time you give in to those emotions. For example, if you desire to work out in the morning it’s easier to fall into the emotions of “it’s too early.” The key is to manager your emotions at that current time.

Many of you have put off taking the steps to accomplish your goals, dreams or opportunities because of not managing your emotions. You often wonder why you have not achieved desired goals. Could it be that you are not managing your emotions in that moment and time? You are constantly allowing the emotions that you feel in that moment to take precedence over your future outcomes. I have learned that one will never achieve greatness or their destiny without managing present emotions that keep you trapped and paralyze, making it inevitable that you will never experience what you were designed or destined to achieve or experience.

When you are about to embark upon something and you start to experience emotions of doubt, fear, anxiety and any emotions that tell you not now, it is then you must say to yourself I will complete the task this time despite my current emotions. It is in that moment that you have won!

To read the entire article by Charlotte Lieberman titled: Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control) visit: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/25/smarter-living/why-you-procrastinate-it-has-nothing-to-do-with-self-control.html

"The Right Connections"

“You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, choose carefully.”   

Author Unknown



“You cannot change the people around you. But you can change the people that you choose to be around.”

Author Unknown



Having great relationships and connections are essential for the health and well-being of your life. The key to great relationships is the opportunity to connect. When you connect with people it may be for a variety of reasons.

According to the Mayo Clinic social connections are vital.

“Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but it's not always easy to develop or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of social connection in your life and what you can do to develop and nurture lasting friendships.”

No man or woman is an island. You do not have to go at life alone. Whether you are considered an introvert or extrovert everyone needs someone to care and love them unconditionally. In return you have been designed to give love and care. This is all part of connecting with others. The right connections are people that support your dreams, people that are considered an asset and not a liability and, people that will walk with you through moments of difficulty.

The Right Connections:  

1.       Support Your Dreams – You need two to three connections that support your wildest dream. They are there to cheer you on and to encourage you to stay with it when it gets hard and when you want to quit. They are not envious or jealous of you but want what is best for you and they believe in you. They are like-minded -- pursuing goals and dreams just as you are. These are people that you have lunch with and have stimulating discussions with when you’re thinking of starting your business, or becoming the next CEO of your company. These people will hold you accountable to achieve your dream. They are vested in you and your success. Most of all they are not envious or jealous of you. They are your cheerleader, cheering you on to greater heights.


2.       An Asset not a Liability – You need people in your life who are considered an asset and not a liability. A liability is a person that is considered a burden, one who depletes your strength. This person constantly takes from your life, you have to carry this person. This person doesn’t add value to your life.  You seem to always have to encourage them as they are always in a negative or defeated space. After a while this becomes too much for you to bear and it becomes impossible for you to continue encouraging this person. On the contrary you need people in your life that are considered an added value -- you learn from them, discuss your ideas, goals and plans. This person encourages you and pours into your life and their conversation is uplifting and encouraging. This person and you are like-minded, share common values and you both are striving to achieve high and lofty goals. It is so refreshing when you are in the presence of this person as you both speak about your goals and dreams.



3.       A true Friend – As you matriculate in life you will need someone to walk with you through those dark and difficult moments. It is in times of difficulty that you need someone to be there for you and with you. Having the right connection is having one or two individuals that will stay with you to the end of time. This person doesn’t walk away because it’s hard or because they don’t agree with you. You can share your sufferings, inner wounds and hurts with this person. At the end of the day you need someone you can be candid and vulnerable with – giving you a safe place to be transparent.


You need the right connections so you can have the right support system as you embark upon life’s journey. Most importantly, you need a person that you can trust. Everyone you meet may not be the right connection for you.


I want to encourage you to examine who are your closest allies and determine where do they fit in respect to the three areas mentioned above. Don’t try to connect with everyone that comes across your path but pray for the right connections that you need. It’s not about how many connections you have it’s having the right connections for your life and purpose!


“Focus…eliminate Distractions”

“Focus comes from eliminating distractions” Anonymous


“Starve your distractions, feed your focus” Anonymous


“You can’t do big things if you’re distracted by small things” Anonymous


Have you wondered why you have not achieved your goals or fulfilled your purpose. Could it be that you seem to get easily distracted by multiple things? Your ability to get laser focused on a goal will lead you to achieving that goal.

Too often people have multiple priorities they are trying to achieve all at the same time. If you can learn the power of focusing on one or two things at a time you will see the fruit of your labor. When you are trying to achieve three to four goals simultaneously then you are splitting up your time and your progress will be laborious. Learn to set a goal (or two) and put your entire effort, time and energy behind it. Then you must possess patience for you to see any signs of results.

I know you have a lot of things you would like to accomplish, so write them all down and determine what you are going to focus on for the next year or two. More importantly, make decisions that align with that goal. Do not become impatient or weary at the slow return on your invested time. It’s more valuable to achieve greatness in one or two things as opposed to mediocre in several things.

You must master the skill that you have and, in order to do so, you must focus and eliminate trying to keep up with the “Joneses” and competing with others. You must become skilled in your craft and that takes time, investing in continuous education, and endurance. Distractions serve as a thief of your ability and opportunities to master your gift and talents.

Distractions comes in many forms, it can be people, good works and even opportunities that come your way. What’s essential is to pray seeking God’s guidance on what you must focus on now that will lead you to your destiny.

“The Power of Consistency”

“The key to success is consistency”  

Zak Frazer


“Consistency is one of the biggest factors to accomplishment and success.”

Byron Pulsifer



At the start of each year many have set forth their new year’s resolutions. Each person does so with a sincere desire to achieve the goals they have set. Maybe you set out to achieve goals that you have attempted before. What would be different this time, is the question.

I offer the act of consistency. Consistency is the most underrated behavior. Consistency has a profound and positive impact on your ability to achieve your goals. Success is not only about talent or gifts it is about being consistent. Putting in the work and dedication over a period of time positions you to achieve your goal.

The greatest opposition to consistency is when your emotions drive your decisions and behavior to not work on your goal. For example, if you desire to improve your health, but instead when it’s time to exercise, you find excuses and put it off.  If you desire to be an author and write your first book but when the time comes to draft the book, your emotions are saying “I don’t feel up to it” and you choose to give in and not accomplish your goal.

“If you can learn to do something consistently, you’ll tap into a much greater superpower than the habit itself: the belief that you’re completely capable of changing your behavior.” (Srinivas Rao). When you embark upon consistency, you will be unstoppable. Do not give in to those temporary emotions but break the barrier and press through to work toward your goal. You will look up and see how much you have accomplished and experience the emotions of success!!!


Hello Destiny

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.”

Psalm 37:23 ESV


“Our destiny is not written for us, but by us.”

President Barack Obama


“With definite goals you release your own power, and things start happening.”

Zig Ziglar


It is the mundane day-to-day deliberate actions that will yield you the fruit of your labor. Destiny is that which one desires to achieve or see happen in the future. The challenge with achieving any set forth desire is taking the right steps or actions to achieve your desired destiny.

Oprah Winfrey once stated “we must learn to take the next right step in order accomplish a desired outcome.” Ask yourself what is the next right step to achieve? The next right steps are the small incremental goals you set in order to arrive at a set destiny. Setting goals is imperative! Next you must have the ability to be patient throughout the process of time it takes to achieve a great feat. Patience is the ability to keep taking the right steps when there is no one to encourage you or to support you.

When you know God is directing your steps then continue to forge ahead and trust God throughout the process. No one can do for you what you must do. No one can walk the road you must travel to achieve your destiny. You must possess the grit to fight the urge and desire to quit and give up when it looks like you will not make it across the finish line of success. You must possess the mindset that quitting is not an option! You have what it takes to achieve your divine destiny but you must say no to when you want to quit, give up, become frustrated, and discourage. These are humanistic emotions that are part of the process of achieving greatness but these emotions are temporary only for a moment.

Here's to Your Healthy Mind

“Having a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body” Unknown

We often speak of the importance of being physically healthy and fit. Physically fitness is important but possessing a healthy mind is equally as imperative. As we have encountered one of the world most horrific health crisis that has ravaged the lives of some many. The health crisis was the springboard for the economic crisis while we encountered political distastefulness and a country divided. Every time you listened to the news you were fed a dose of negativity and devastating and despairing news. The colossal of crisis weighted heavy on our mental capacity and became a mental strain on many. If you feel a sense of overwhelmed, depressed and emotionally depleted. I want to encourage yes you should pray and study the great profound word of God but along with your spiritual formation you need a strategist (therapist) Dr. Anita Philips states “prayer is a weapon; therapy is a strategy” to guide you through the mental fogs that you may be experiencing. According to Dr. Anita Phillips “While many people have referenced 2020 as the worst of the pandemic, Dr. Phillips believes we are still being “actively traumatized” and won’t see the full impact until much later. Dr. Phillips begins by defining a traumatic event: “an event that has the capacity to overwhelm people’s ability to cope, to disrupt the systems upon which people depend and to make groups of people in mass, less safe.” She also emphasizes that just because a traumatic event is collective does not mean it’s equally felt by all members of a group. Dr. Phillips doesn’t see there being many quick fixes to the growing mental health crisis. She adds, “I have a lot of concerns because mental health issues are sure to be the enduring legacy of COVID long after we’ve defeated this physically. People are breaking in ways that are not quick fixes.” As Dr. Phillips mentioned above everyone experience traumatic events differently thus if you feel compelled to receive assistance I highly encourage you to find a licensed counsel for assistance. https://www.barna.com/research/cpw-phillips/

By Dr. Regina Campbell