“Dream Big”

If your dreams don’t scare you they aren’t big enough” Unknown


“Dreams come in a size too big so that we may grow into them.” Josie Bisse


What happened to your dreams? What happened to the dreams you had when you were in high school or in your early adult life? Life happened to you, and you decided to put your dreams on hold. My aim is to reignite you to pick up your dream. Maybe you have not put your dream on hold, but you are too afraid to step out to pursue your dream and you are gripped by fear and doubt. Either way, your dream is waiting for you to pursue and believe that it’s possible.

Here are the five things you must do to achieve your dream.

1.       Don’t wait for permission – If you are waiting on someone to approve or give you the go ahead you have put your dreams in the power of someone else. The power to dream and pursue your dream lies deep within your spirit and soul. You must give yourself permission to pursue your dream, you know what you are capable of achieving. You know how passionate you are about your dream. When you give yourself permission to pursue your dream, you should prepare for the journey. You must consider what it will take and position yourself accordingly.

2.       Master your craft – You must master your craft by developing your skillset. Your skillset must be sharpened and fine-tuned. You have the innate ability, but you must fine tune, shape and cultivate your skills. For example, if you are an artist, you might take an art class in the evenings or online. Why? Because the class will give you greater depth of knowledge and insight. It will be added value to your gift. Then when you pursue your dream of being an artist you can be one of the best artists in the world and that will give you greater dividends. Do not under value the importance of sharpening your saw, basically fine tuning your gift. The difference between mediocre and great is mastering your craft.

3.       Take risks – Whenever you embark upon your dream you are taking a risk. You are taking a leap of faith into unfamiliar territory. Anyone that has achieved great heights in life took risks. “On October 16, 1923, Walt Disney and his brother Roy founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Hollywood, California. The studio, now known as the Walt Disney Company, has had an oversized impact on the entertainment industry and is now one of the largest media companies in the world.” What would have happened if the Disney brothers did not take a risk? Well, today we would not enjoy the pleasure of vast entertainment of Walt Disney World. If Orpah Winfrey had not taken a risk in hosting her own daytime television show, the Orpah Winfrey show would not have reached #1 in television ratings. The key is you must take risks. Les Brown stated, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. As long as you’re dreaming something, dream big, and have a great goal, even if you fail, you may end up doing great things.”

4.        Support system – It is imperative that you have champions in your corner. Champions are those two to three supporters that believe in you and your dream. They are there supporting you throughout the entire process. They are there when you achieve your first goal towards your dream, and they are there when you experience a setback. No matter what stage you are in they are there supporting you to the finish line. They are there running beside you during the marathon race giving you a drink of water and cheering you on.

5.       Believe in you – The power of belief is a force to be reckoned with. When you have positioned yourself, overcome doubt and negative people, belief is the outcome. No one can believe in your dream for you, you first must believe in your dream. It is your belief that will carry you through the difficult and challenging moments. Your belief will carry you through moments of setbacks and losses. It will be your belief that will be the fighting spirit that will cause you to get back up and dust yourself off and forge ahead. Believe in your God given abilities and know that your dreams can become a reality.

Finally, your dreams are there for you to pursue and conqueror. If you don’t then you rob the world of your fulfillment of your purpose. The world needs you to achieve your dreams. If you are able to see it, then you can achieve it. Let nothing stop you!