“Passion Matters”

“Chase your passion, not your pension” Denis Waitley

“Do it with passion, or not at all” Unknown


“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all,

don’t let anyone limit your dreams.”

Donovan Bailey


Passion is the determining factor when it comes to fulfilling your purpose. If you are passionate about something or doing something then it is more than likely your purpose. Where there is no passion then there is no will or urge to achieve it. Passion is a strong inner desire for something. The passion you have for something will be so prevalent within you that you can’t get away from it. Michael Jordan loved the game of basketball. He found himself practicing and putting in the time to master his craft before or after practice. And we all know how his passion for the sport paid off.

When you are passionate here are three things to consider:

1.       You make it happen - “Some people want it to happen, some wish it could happen, others make it happen” Michael Jordan said. When you’re passionate you will put your energy and effort into mastering your craft. You will make certain that you do those things it takes to be successful regarding your passion.

2.       You have the innate ability – Your gift and skills align with your passion. You don’t struggle or find it difficult to do what you’re gifted to do. If you have a passion for teaching children it will come naturally to you. If it doesn’t come naturally then you may need to reconsider if it’s truly your passion.

3.       You reach Self-Actualization - You receive self-fulfillment when you are doing what you are most passionate about. You reach the point of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and you are motivated and fulfilled. The more you operate in your innate abilities the greater the fulfillment.

When you do what you are passionate about, it’s enjoyable because you love it. “Passion is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body and soul into something as is possible” (Forbes- https://www.forbes.com). Your passion matters when it comes to you achieving your dream and purpose. If you desire to reach a certain place in life, determine what you are passionate about, then if you put in the work, effort and time you will experience all that life has for you.

Passion is not some array of emotions but it is what gets you out of bed early to work on your life’s goals and dreams. Passion will take you through those difficult moments and setbacks. Finally, passion is the engine that keeps you forging ahead until achieve your life’s assignment.